90 Day Mentorship Program

This program is for current students of Galore X Studio or Galore X Pro Academy to enroll post training for continued education in a structured layout.

This program was designed for the driven artist ready to hit the ground running and wanting to know how to make their investment back from training as well as scaling their new business.

The 90 day mentorship program is optional and a student must be admitted into this course by the instructor to participate post a paramedical tattooing training with a successful clinical with Shell. A student cannot participate in this program without a clinical day.

The Ultimate Paramedical Tattoo Training + 3D Areola Realism!

If you are seeing this page and not currently enrolled in an upcoming training please visit the following website to participate in this program. Our advanced classes do not include this program. This is only for those who enroll in the 3 day paramedical class.



Please fill out the form below to get accepted into the program.